Thursday, May 22, 2008


And it's tomorrow. Friday, at 4 pm. Keep your fingers crossed.

We rented another truck, this one a mere 16 feet, to schlep the remaining 20% of our crap. We'll be departing in the morning, me in my car and the O.H. driving the moving truck. He was going to drive his motorcycle, but it looks like the weather won't cooperate.

So, if all goes well, WHICH IT WILL, we'll be spending our first night in our first house tomorrow. And hey, there's already a pool table there! Built-in entertainment on the first night! alllright!
Then we'll return to Miami Saturday, say "see ya" to our friends here, clean the apartment, pick up the kitties, and probably head back Sunday night. We'll see.

Start knocking on wood NOW.

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