Friday, May 16, 2008

This is kind of what our entire apartment looks like now. Except scatter a bunch of random cats and tools everywhere. And termites. They're swarming again, I think as a reminder from the cosmos as to why we're going through the pain of moving.

Actually, if it were just neat stacks of carefully labeled boxes, I might not feel so overwhelmed. But it's half boxes, half the usual mess. Which is no fun to begin with even when you don't have to vault over cardboard to navigate it. So the boxes have not added to my typically poor balance and navigation skills. Expect bruised shin pictures in the near future. (There's something to look forward to, eh? Gotta keep the readers coming back for more.)

And still no closing date. Supposedly** we should know by Wednesday the 21st or so (you know, that date we were supposed to be closing on) if we can schedule the close, or if they would like to harangue us some more about the loan. I particularly like when they ask for a tax return you've already submitted, then insist that it needs to be signed - even though it was submitted electronically to the IRS, which mean it's unsigned. If it's good enough for the IRS, it should be good enough for them. But apparently not. I'm terrified they're going to call the whole thing off because on one of my documents the ink faded a bit and an "a" looks like an "o" or something and they think I'm applying for a laan instead of loan. I'm pretty sure that would throw them off.

**I just reminded myself of another peeve word: supposedly. It's not "Supposively" or "Supposably". It's SUP-POSE-ED-LEE. You can use a little memory trick to remember that. Sup = to dine; pose = act like a model, and Ed and Lee are first cousins twice removed. See, isn't that easy? Just think distant relatives acting like models eating! Oh wait. Models don't eat. Nevermind, that ruined the whole thing. You'll just have to learn to pronounce it like the rest of us did - IN THE FOURTH GRADE.

Ooh, and how about "hypnotize"? I can't remember the last time somebody said that word and didn't say "hypmatize". Luckily, this word doesn't happen often in conversations with me, as it probably would have a hypnotic effect on me and I might go into a trance and do something rude and un-Libra-ish, like tell them they really ought to look into that speech impediment of theirs.

Notice I said "theirs", not "there's" or "they'res". I think the whole world needs to review that particular lesson. Theirs = belongs to them. There's = there is. They're = they are. Why is this so difficult?

Same goes for posessives vs. plurals. I cannot count the number of times co-workers of mine have (mortifyingly) sent emails to potential customers that start with "Guy's - ". How embarassing. For all of us. To indicate multiples of something, just add an "s". A plain old "s". Guys. That means more than one guy. If you use an apostrophe, it then indicates the posessive - something that belongs to the guy. (That guy's dog bit me!) There's lots of other cases and conditions that I'm not going to teach you; if you're capable of reading this blog, you're capable of looking up spelling and grammar rules too. I (rather cattily) suggest you do it. Meow. I do try to give the benefit of the doubt - I fat-finger the keyboard too and occasionally miss an apostrophe. It happens. But if you do it more than once, I'm on to you.

I told you this would be a neverending topic with me. Especially when I'm pissy from packing.


  1. so,
    how is that whole blood sugar thing coming along?
    Hard to believe all of that pissiness is merely from packing.
    Hmmm. packing pissiness. you may be onto a mastercard line if you end it with "priceless"
    At any rate, best of luck with the whole moving endeavor.
    May it be painless and pissy free.

  2. Oh, no, there's absolutely a natural baseline of pissiness that gets me through the day to day banalities of life. But it increases exponentially when exacerbated by a disharmonious environment.

    I must say that today I'm in a better frame of mind, although still without a closing date. It may or may not be this coming Friday, the 23rd. So we're making a trip with the moving truck on Tuesday and putting everything in a storage locker just to get it out of Miami. So I'm actually getting excited because now it seems real.
