Monday, April 28, 2008

Damn you, Pirate's Booty with Aged White Cheddar

Ok, so I know that cheese in general, cheddar in specific, is supposed to be aged. Yet, I don't like to see the word "aged" applied to food that is not in fact cheese.

This fact did not in any way slow me down one bit on my quest to see the bottom of the inside of the Pirate's Booty bag. Aged cheddar and all. In one sitting. They estimate there's 4 servings in there. Yeah, 4 servings for consumers with non-Brobdingnagian appetites. The rest of us end up licking the bag (presumably, as I'm just guessing here) and fearfully eyeing the calorie count to asess the damage just done. Hey, it says "ALL NATURAL" and "GOOD FOR YOU" and "PUFFED RICE AND CORN" on the front of the bag. And there's a mysterious banner with the word "YES" on it. Waaaay subliminal. I was under the undue influence of the Marketing Machine.
Then again, it also says "THAR BE GOOD" and "SHIVER ME TIMBERS" and "YO HO HO". So if any of you witness me donning eye patches and hooks and prefacing sentences with "Aye, Matey!", just take my bag of Pirate's Booty away from me. But watch out for that hook.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Slippin', slippin', slippin'...into the future

Alas, lovely house in the trees, will you truly ever be OURS?

Dang VA loan. I *knew* the government would somehow give me the shaft while simultaneously appearing to help me. Governmental passive-aggressivity at it's best. Looks like the loan probably won't fund in time for the May 15 close, so we've let that date slip to the 21st. The sellers should be happy, their new home won't be quite ready on the 15th. So that's just one more week I'll have to live here, in chaos. Total, utter, chaos.

My very motivated other half began painting the apartment white while I was fending off the cheese knives in Montreal. Which I suppose is a great thing. Except, it makes my nest not my nest anymore, and I've had to retreat into the bedroom as my only recognizable 'safe' space. Working from one's bed is NOT conducive to productivity. The overwhelming urge to lay back and pass out almost overcame me about a dozen times today. As opposed to the half-dozen times a day I usually experience it when not working in my bed. Only the shooting pains in my back kept me from drifting off - pains caused by working in said bed.

Thanks to the same motivated spouse, we are also about half-packed. [Which somehow sounds like an insult. "Those two? They're half-packed".] So that is also a good thing, but we're still a MONTH away from moving, and every day I catch him in the midst of surreptitiously putting things I might need in boxes. Like, all of our flatware. He left about 5 forks and spoons and the odd butterknife in the drawer. Now, you're probably asking yourself, "hmmm, how many spoons and forks does she think she needs at once?" The answer is: more than 5, dammit. I don't want to feel obligated to do the dishes (by hand, the Flintstone way) the minute I finish my meal. Or the day after. Or whenever. Like underwear, I want a never-ending supply of flatware *just in case* I don't manage to get around to washing them. Hey, I'm a busy girl.

When (if) we get into the elusive new house, I will make an offer to the Dishwasher Gods. This, like the hallowed GPS in my car, will be a relationship-saving device. I will pray to them and make sacrifies to them often (but don't let that stop you from visiting). If you get into my car and smell Nag Champa, now you know why. But just listen to how calm my GPS's voice is when she instructs me to "make a right at the end of the road". Virtually blissful, she is. I would be too if people were worshiping me.

ALTHOUGH. There is a caveat to her blissfulness. She's an interrupter. One (of many) of my pet peeves. My good friend C and I discovered this as we navigated our way to Key West with her assistance. We'd be on a roll, in deep conversation, a nanosecond away from a punchline or startling revelation, and BAM! She butts in with some non-essential navigational advice, like, "bear 1/8th of a degree to the right over the next 35 miles". Wha??? I think she just wanted to participate, really. Two girls, longtime friends, in a car, catching up together on a tropical mini-vacation, of course she's going to want to participate! Who wouldn't? Although, if it were a male navigator voice, he probably would have interrupted to tell us, defensively, precisely how to fix all of the relationship issues we may or may not have been kvetching about by purchasing new lingerie and "keeping it fresh". Just a guess.

We have reached our cruising altitude of 35,000 feet

I have some advice for those folks out there who may not be aware that they are an obnoxious traveler.

For starters, before leaving your house, remember that you are going to be in a small, confined space with many strangers. Some of whom have allergies. Even if they don't have allergies, chances are they aren't going to want their eyes to be watering because YOU think Estee Lauder is your best friend. Or your "signature scent" is just too good to be applied lightly. Back off the stink juice, brothers and sisters. Spray (once), and walk away. THAT'S IT. No more. Especially if your scent has a particularly strong single note, such as baby powder (contrary to manufacturer's beliefs, the whole world does NOT enjoy the smell of a baby's bottom). I spent a cross-country flight in front of a couple whose combined scents evoked RAID on a hot summer day. It was hard not to gag. And harder not to turn around and shoot them the stink-eye (ahem) every few minutes.

Once you are at the airport, try to arrive with a clue. I know not everyone lives in the airport like I do, so I am less tolerant of newbies, but come on, people. 9/11 was 7 years ago. We should all know by now that there's some funkiness going on with what you can and can't pack and exactly how all that works. Do us all a favor and check out the damn website before packing, ok?

If by some miracle you do make it through security and you're at the gate, please realize that we do have a system for getting onto these newfangled flying machines in an orderly manner. Every airline is different, but in general, it goes like this: There's a boarding zone (1, 2, 3, etc.) printed on your boarding pass (that's your TICKET for the uninitiated). The nice lady at the gate will announce WHEN each zone is to board. UNTIL YOUR ZONE IS CALLED, SIT THE HELL DOWN. I am sooooooooo tired of these little pseudo-lines that form outside of the real boarding line by hopefuls who think they're getting the jump on someone else. No. What you're doing is blocking everyone else who really does have the right to board. You're probably the same people who cause traffic by slowing to a stop on a merge, aren't you? You know who you are.

And don't give me that crap about, "well, we're all going to the same place! What does it matter?". No. *I* am going to MY seat, which includes storage space in the overhead for my luggage. You are going to YOUR seat, which gets seated after MY seat, and may or may not include overhead storage space because my bag is already there. THAT is why frequent travelers rush to get on the planes in their rightful place: first.

When you finally do make it onto the airplane, mind your manners. Don't use your cell phone voice (WHICH SOUNDS LIKE THIS), we don't care about your neighbor's rhinoplasty. And do turn off your cell phone (and the wireless switch on your laptop) when asked. You’re not special, you have to turn it off like the rest of us, buck-o. Be mindful that you might very well be that annoying person who has a voice equal in timbre to the whine of the turbines...please do us all a favor, and lower it. There's nothing worse than being in a confined space with someone with an annoying voice competing for available decibels with the jet engines.

If you have carry-on luggage (which, by the way, should be smaller than say, a Mini-Cooper for those of you who don’t read the regulations), take your bags off your shoulders before walking down the aisles, please. If I had a dime for every whack on the head I received from a backpack...

Once properly ensconced in your mini-seat, you may notice (due to your neighbor's thigh overlapping your own) that the seats seem to have gotten smaller since the last time you've flown. They have. And everybody hates it, but we have to do our best to still act human even though we're crammed in there like sardines. So mind your elbows - to use a sniglet (remember those?), "elbonics" is defined as the fine art of fighting over a shared armrest. The only thing worse than someone not putting the armrest down to define that space where they end and you begin is having an overly aggressive armrest-neighbor with entitlement issues. Just try to treat the person next to you the way you want to be treated. Use it if you must, but don't jostle and don't hog it. And gentlemen, pay attention to how you sit. I’m sure it’s perfectly ok for you to sit with your knees as far apart as humanly possible on your sofa at home, but YOU’RE NOT HOME. You’re in public. And usually, right next to me. So please, remember the space is limited and that your knees should not extend past the edges of your seat into someone else’s leg space. Besides, spread-legged is not an appropriate posture to assume in public, unless you’ve just been neutered and need breathing room for your bandages. (In which case you should either be flying cargo anyway or buy another empty seat so your “knees” have breathing room.)

When the snack comes (don’t expect a meal anymore, people. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing – remember the last airline meal you ate?), remember that others are going to be involuntarily exposed to your eating manners. So don't chew with your mouth open (EVER), smack your lips, talk with your mouth full, or make overly-satisfied-sounding "mmmmmm"s while eating. It's just not right. Don't slurp your drink, chew your ice loudly, or say "ahhhh" after each sip. And if you're chewing gum, don't, for the love of God, crack it with every single chew. Or with any chew, for that matter. I should not be privy to what is happening inside ANY part of your body, especially your mouth. Don't eat stinky foods, don't burp (we might be close, but this doesn't mean we're intimate), and certainly don't let it out the OTHER end either. You know what I'm talking about. There's even a term for doing that in an airplane: crop dusting. It's cruel and unusual. And if you do it on my flight, I will hunt you down and humiliate you. Speaking of bad smells, pay attention to the fact that all that carbon dioxide you’re breathing out? Yeah, I’m inhaling it, thanks. So could you please make sure it isn’t offensive?

Which leads me to the next topic, Moving About the Airplane. When you need to leave your seat, indicate to the individuals who are trapping you in that you would like to get out. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT just stand up and stick your fanny in their faces as you try to shimmy past. And if you’re the sitter, do not just try to wave me out of my seat without getting up, thinking you’re being cooperative. You're being lazy. That may have been borderline acceptable back in the days of Pan-Am, when seats were bigger than your niece’s Dora the Explorer lunchbox. But those days are over. Just ask them to let you out, and believe me, if they’ve EVER flown on an airplane before and suddenly found their face involuntarily juxtaposed with a stranger’s derriere, they will be more than happy to get out of the seat to let you through.

And I know we're all fighting gravity and it's awkward as ass to scoot out into the aisle from any seat, but must you grab the headrest of my seat in front of you and shake it like a wayward child? Brace yourself on the armrests in your own row while exiting your seat rather than grabbing the back of the seat in the row in front of yours. That way you can avoid getting eye daggers from the likely sleeping passenger in the seat that you are about to rattle.

Once you are up and about using the bathroom, please try to have a modicum of manners. Don’t do anything in that bathroom you wouldn’t want someone else doing if you had to sit next to it for 2 or more hours. Emergency only is the key here. And PLEASE clean up after yourself. Maybe your poor spouse has to deal with your slovenly bathroom habits at home, but I would rather not. If it wasn’t wet when you entered the bathroom, it shouldn’t be wet when you leave it. I’m talking about the seat, of course. Try to pay attention to what you’re doing in there.

Lastly, when the flight is over, and provided you haven’t flung yourself out the nearest emergency exit to escape, you will need to disembark. As anxious as we all are to get the hell out of dodge, the proper way to do this is to wait until all the people in front of you have gotten out of their row, then exit. You heard me. This isn't the 5th grade school bus here, people - the first person in the aisle does NOT have the right to rush up the center of the plane and leave first because they’re the fastest. No. That's just uncivilized. You wait for your turn like real grown-ups. The only exception is if someone is going to be late for a connection. At which point they should explain to everybody why they’re going to vault over your seat, knock you unconscious with their laptop bag, and step on your neck to exit before you do.

Maybe it sounds like I'm a smidge intolerant, but I guarantee you, if you have to fly more than once in any given week, you too will start to notice these little annoyances. And they will quickly become important to you. And like me, you will quickly buy an iPod (a.k.a. "idiot deflector") and noise-cancelling headphones and employ them as often as possible (every minute that we are not actively ascending or descending) to avoid interaction with your gum-cracking, stinky-perfume wearing, back-pack wielding nosy neighbor with the nasal voice.

Here's hoping you never have to fly with me.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


It occurs to me that I keep starting my posts with "It occured to me". I need to stop that. I suppose it's because a blog is just that, a log of thoughts, and thoughts occur to people. At least to me they do. I'm starting to suspect that using that term, "occur", is my unconscious way of distancing myself from any possibly offensive thoughts and eschewing responsibility - it was just a random thought, floating around in the cosmos, until it collided with my grey matter and came out of my keyboard. Therefore, theoretically, I am a victim of this thought. I didn't SPAWN this thought. I just channelled it. Which renders me technically innocent of any possible emotional damage, mental distress, or physical discomfort inflicted upon my readers by these occurring thoughts. That I remind you I am only channelling. Hmm, starting to sound lawerly, I am.
**Maybe I should make this a really small font since it seems to be a disclaimer of some sorts, i.e., the fine print.

Au Canada

It occurs to me (too late, on the airplane with no alternative reading material, of course) that reading a book entitled "The Cheese Monkeys" on the way to Montreal might not be a great way to ingratiate oneself with the locals.

This is a special talent of mine. The last time it happened, I was reading Al Franken's "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them" on the way deep into the heart (well, the armpit, anyway) of Lubbock, Texas. I'm lucky I wasn't tossed off the plane headfirst into a barrel of cow dookie.

Then again, what would the Quebequois do, surrender me to death? heh. At least the book wasn't entitled "The Quebequois: Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys and the Soap-Dodging Wine-Guzzling Frenchies who Begat Them". That would've really been insulting. It could've been worse, I suppose, were I actually headed to FRANCE. At least Quebec is once-removed. Good thing I wasn't busted, or I surely would've been dumped into a vat of spent grape skins or worse, forced to drink Rosé wine on ice and eat bad cheese.

Ok, all you Canadian/French friends, don't get your feathers up in a kerfuffle. You know I adore Canada. (And French people. We have a mutual aversion to the bath.) Else I wouldn't keep going there and losing money on the exchange rate.

Maybe next week on my way to kickoff in San Fran I can read some neo-nazi anti-glbt propaganda and win me some friends on the left coast.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


It occurred to me that it might be useful for purposes of comparison to post a picture of what said kitchen actually looks like now. Between the expanses of orange-y oak and fluorescent lights, it will become immediately obvious as to WHY I'm remodeling it. Virtually. Before our closing date of May 15.


I had to cut my nails yesterday. I *almost* had to put cotton in my ears. Seriously.

Ahead of myself

Is it odd, or bad somehow, that I've already completely re-designed the kitchen of a house I don't yet own in 3-d?
Ok, so it was done in SketchUp, not CAD or 3dMax, and I haven't individually listed and costed out each item. But give a girl a break. I'll need at least another week for that.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

So THIS is a blog.

For those of you who know me, reading my blog might provide a safer option for obtaining updates on my life, if violating your celly minutes contract or the possibility of aural exhaustion frightens you. At least here, there's a "close" button, which is the e-version of politely asking someone to shut the hell up, stuffing cotton in your ears, or putting your hands over your ears and singing, "la la la la la, I can't hear you...", except I won't know about it.

I suppose it might be therapeutic to channel my typical verbal torrent into a written format. It might also eventually be tantamount to keyboard abuse. I haven't rubbed the letters off of my keyboard just yet, but then again I am just getting warmed up. Miraculously (and much to the chagrin of those closest to me), my vocal cords have never worn out either.

So one of the funnest (you heard me) things I've seen lately is on my friend C's blog - she has a troupe of incredibly erudite contributors to her 'comments' section of her blog (like attracts like!) that have introduced me to the word verification game. When you enter a comment on one of these here blogs, you will be prompted to type the letters you see in the box to verify that you're a human and not a spambot. The fun part is to make up a definition for the (usually non-sensical) assemblage of letters. [C, I hope it's ok if we participate here too. Imitation is the sincerest form... :) ]

For example, to set up this blog, I was presented with "INGLING". This was too good to be true. Being a fan of Yuengling beer (PA in the hiz-ouse, w00t!), I first thought about pursuing that route since it rhymes, but I think a better definition might be:

Ingling (Ing' ling) v., irresistable urge to add -'ing' to words to create hipper, more descriptive gerunds and participles.


R: Where's Terry?
J: "He's dorking out over his new iPhone"
R: "stop Ingling, asshat!"
J: "Sorry, my bad. I'm totally slobbing up the English language, eh?"
R: "Aaarrgh!"

Thus ends today's Word Verification.

Pet Peeve count: The Other Half (referred to from now on as "OH" - we're both JC, so that just wouldn't work) clipped his nails four times today. Four. Times. Today. Let's do the math, shall we? One man. Two hands. Five nails each. Two feet. Five nails each. I'm no math genius, but that still only adds up to 20 nails. Problem is, he doesn't just clip each nail once. Noooooo, that would be too easy. He clips each one a minimum of 3 times. "Plink, plink, plink. Plink plink, plink." There's actual phrases and rhythm to his nail clipping. Is that a Latin thing, I wonder? What I don't understand is how there's enough nail material to make the annoying plinky sound that sets my teeth on edge. When one molecule of nail protein makes it's presence known by daring to show itself as a little while dot of nail, he immediately assaults it with the clippers. So how does he get 3 plinks out of each one? It's a mystery to me, and since that sound is my kryptonite, I'll never get close enough to find out.

The third time today was when I was on the phone with a customer. It took everything I had to tear my focus away from the plinking and respond to the customer's questions, so distracted was I. I momentarily searched nearby objects for something moderately heavy but padded that would deliver my point if thrown, but decided that wouldn't paint a flattering picture if word got out that I assaulted my husband for excessive personal hygiene. Why do these scenarios always make me look like a freak? Seemed perfectly reasonable at the time.

If you're marveling at how incredibly trivial, trite, and othewise trifling my comments about his grooming habits are, clearly we haven't met. Consider yourself warned, this is what I'm all about. Tune in at your own peril.

Footnote: apparently "Trebuchet" is Latin for "surreptitiously adds excess line breaks". Try it sometime - type in some common, innocuous Courier-type font, then switch it all to Trebuchet and just SEE what happens. Am I crazy? Or are the fonts conspiring against me too? Next thing you know, they'll be clipping their serifs while I'm typing just to mock me.