Wednesday, August 6, 2008

there's no place like home...

And I mean HOME home, like da 'burgh, where I actually hail from. The longer I live out of state, the happier an occasion it is for me when I return here. Not that I think I'll be moving back anytime soon (sorry, folks!), but I've come to appreciate this little city of mine.

It sounds cliche, but I have to say, I think the nicest people are from Pittsburgh. The apparent lack of elitism is so refreshing after 3 years in the festering hell they call Miami. Jax is actually pretty cool too, from what I've seen so far, but I really do feel like Pittsburgh will always be home base for me.

I flew in late and got to the hotel around 11. I passed a Primanti Bros. restaurant almost across the street from my hotel. I wasn't really hungry and the restaurant downstairs had just closed, so I thought maybe the trademark Doubletree warm chocolate chip cookie (a.k.a. "calorie bomb") that they give you upon check-in would satiate me. It kind of did, until I started looking for driving directions for tomorrow's work festivities which includes lunch at none other than Primanti's downtown. Once I started seeing the stores, and thinking about it, I actually debated getting dressed again to bounce over for a big fat sammich. Of course, they closed just minutes before I realized how badly I wanted my usual corned beef with cheese loaded with hot sauce. Mmmmmmm... Primanti Bros...

So now I have to go to sleep to forget just how hungry I've made myself. I think drool on the keyboard would violate my laptop's maintenance contract.


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