Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Thank you, thank you!

Phew. That sure was a long silence. Don't ask for an explanation, I don't have one. Got distracted? Sure, sounds good. You already know I keep myself busier than most people in the universe, so I'm sure you're not surprised that I got distracted/ran out of time and/or energy/lost interest/fell into a (temporary) black hole of depression/just couldn't eek out a post. It happens.

But like an undercooked green pepper, I'm baaaaack, when you least expected me. Actually, it was reading this tremendous, amazing blog that inspired me to return to my blog. Sadly, I couldn't even remember my own url when I went looking for it, and almost had a myocardial infarction when I typed in someone else's blog address and didn't find mine. Thank goodness I'm completely unoriginal in creating passwords, and was able to log back in via Google. Google saves my world once again.

The other thing that brings me back to this is my extreme talent for procrastination, and also a million little pet peeves sneaking up on me, with no good outlet for them. Because FaceBook is good for some things, but if you just vent your pet peeves there, you become that complain-y person, and I'd rather do that in semi-private, in my blog, where only people who know and expect me to be complain-y come to read about it.

Speaking of my procrastination, I've been tasked with introducing a concept and a customer at a large public event my (new and fantabulous) employer is sponsoring. Tomorrow. I also have a friend-date tonite with a certain bestie whom I miss terribly and simply CANNOT wait to see. Do you think said introduction has been written yet?

Do you know me?

Predictably, I will go out to a fancy-schmancy dinner, spent too much, eat too much, drink too much, then come back to my room tired, bloated, and in a PANIC. Then stay up way too late creating a crappy introduction to a concept that's already going to be beaten to death by other presenters.

Oh, and I just learned that the main presenter has been called away on a 'family emergency', and his partner (read: probably lesser presenter, likely not a good public speaker) is going to be tasked with delivering the whole thing alone. This is not good for me. He'll probably want me to go longer with my introduction...which means I need to stay up later and do more talking than I wanted to. Ugh.

And on the subject of procrastination, I was distracted by some festive-looking jellybeans in the hotel minibar. Keep in mind I'm in a fancy hotel in downtown Washington DC. These "minibars" are actually weight (and I suspect motion-) sensitive displays that will automatically charge your room for anything you remove. Creeeeeepy.

So because I'm trying so hard to not be prepared in time (I've only had like 4 weeks notice. Don't judge.), these jellybeans are yelling louder and louder at me. So I decide I can afford the $6 I'll likely be scammed out of for taking (or even just moving) them, and I snatch them out of the display. I stand there, frozen, waiting for an acknowledgement of my transgression against the sanctity of the display, but ... nothing happens. No click, no clack, no satisfying "sssssnick" of something being tabulated.

The silence makes it even more creepy. Electronic things that tabulate should somehow confirm to us that tabulation has occurred.

Then, the jellybeans were a letdown. They weren't the festive name-brand ones I was hoping for, and these ones are disturbingly patriotic. Yep, just red, white, and blue. That, to me, defeats the purpose of jellybeans entirely. There should be lots and lots of different weird flavors to choose from. If you limit me to just 3, once I have experienced a few of each, I'm immediately let down and bored. And now berating myself for paying $6 to experience cherry, coconut, and blueberry. Cherry, coconut, blueberry. Cherry, coconut, blue...ok you get it.

If you're gonna distract me, DISTRACT ME, dammit. *sigh*.

Well, onto dinner, time's a-wastin'!


  1. For reals on the motion sensor mini bars and the let down of the jellybeans. Between those and our shared propensity to procrastinate (and still manage to pull it off in the end!), this particular post reads like something I'd be thinking myself. :-)

  2. haha Thanks snootiecrunch! (heheh love the nick!) So it's almost 1, and I just finished what I think is an appropriate, hopefully kick-ass introduction for my potentially lame presenter. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt though, shall we, and guess that maybe he could also be so stellar that he makes me re-evaluate my entire career as a professional technical speaker and presenter! Ok, I'm hoping he's not *that* good! But yeah, got 'er done, now get to indulge in a whole 3 or 4 hours of sleep. Whooo, I'll be feeling this tomorrow...
