Monday, April 28, 2008

Damn you, Pirate's Booty with Aged White Cheddar

Ok, so I know that cheese in general, cheddar in specific, is supposed to be aged. Yet, I don't like to see the word "aged" applied to food that is not in fact cheese.

This fact did not in any way slow me down one bit on my quest to see the bottom of the inside of the Pirate's Booty bag. Aged cheddar and all. In one sitting. They estimate there's 4 servings in there. Yeah, 4 servings for consumers with non-Brobdingnagian appetites. The rest of us end up licking the bag (presumably, as I'm just guessing here) and fearfully eyeing the calorie count to asess the damage just done. Hey, it says "ALL NATURAL" and "GOOD FOR YOU" and "PUFFED RICE AND CORN" on the front of the bag. And there's a mysterious banner with the word "YES" on it. Waaaay subliminal. I was under the undue influence of the Marketing Machine.
Then again, it also says "THAR BE GOOD" and "SHIVER ME TIMBERS" and "YO HO HO". So if any of you witness me donning eye patches and hooks and prefacing sentences with "Aye, Matey!", just take my bag of Pirate's Booty away from me. But watch out for that hook.

1 comment:

  1. SINCE NOBODY ELSE IS COMMENTING, I'll leave one and emulate what I do in real life - talk to - and answer - myself.
    So, my exciting news is that I went to buy more Pirate's Booty and the store was all out of it. So I went to the crunchy hippie store, and they had bags, but only the small ones. Genius! If I only buy small bags, there's more of a chance I might stop after I only eat one.
    Just thought I'd share.
