Wednesday, April 16, 2008

So THIS is a blog.

For those of you who know me, reading my blog might provide a safer option for obtaining updates on my life, if violating your celly minutes contract or the possibility of aural exhaustion frightens you. At least here, there's a "close" button, which is the e-version of politely asking someone to shut the hell up, stuffing cotton in your ears, or putting your hands over your ears and singing, "la la la la la, I can't hear you...", except I won't know about it.

I suppose it might be therapeutic to channel my typical verbal torrent into a written format. It might also eventually be tantamount to keyboard abuse. I haven't rubbed the letters off of my keyboard just yet, but then again I am just getting warmed up. Miraculously (and much to the chagrin of those closest to me), my vocal cords have never worn out either.

So one of the funnest (you heard me) things I've seen lately is on my friend C's blog - she has a troupe of incredibly erudite contributors to her 'comments' section of her blog (like attracts like!) that have introduced me to the word verification game. When you enter a comment on one of these here blogs, you will be prompted to type the letters you see in the box to verify that you're a human and not a spambot. The fun part is to make up a definition for the (usually non-sensical) assemblage of letters. [C, I hope it's ok if we participate here too. Imitation is the sincerest form... :) ]

For example, to set up this blog, I was presented with "INGLING". This was too good to be true. Being a fan of Yuengling beer (PA in the hiz-ouse, w00t!), I first thought about pursuing that route since it rhymes, but I think a better definition might be:

Ingling (Ing' ling) v., irresistable urge to add -'ing' to words to create hipper, more descriptive gerunds and participles.


R: Where's Terry?
J: "He's dorking out over his new iPhone"
R: "stop Ingling, asshat!"
J: "Sorry, my bad. I'm totally slobbing up the English language, eh?"
R: "Aaarrgh!"

Thus ends today's Word Verification.

Pet Peeve count: The Other Half (referred to from now on as "OH" - we're both JC, so that just wouldn't work) clipped his nails four times today. Four. Times. Today. Let's do the math, shall we? One man. Two hands. Five nails each. Two feet. Five nails each. I'm no math genius, but that still only adds up to 20 nails. Problem is, he doesn't just clip each nail once. Noooooo, that would be too easy. He clips each one a minimum of 3 times. "Plink, plink, plink. Plink plink, plink." There's actual phrases and rhythm to his nail clipping. Is that a Latin thing, I wonder? What I don't understand is how there's enough nail material to make the annoying plinky sound that sets my teeth on edge. When one molecule of nail protein makes it's presence known by daring to show itself as a little while dot of nail, he immediately assaults it with the clippers. So how does he get 3 plinks out of each one? It's a mystery to me, and since that sound is my kryptonite, I'll never get close enough to find out.

The third time today was when I was on the phone with a customer. It took everything I had to tear my focus away from the plinking and respond to the customer's questions, so distracted was I. I momentarily searched nearby objects for something moderately heavy but padded that would deliver my point if thrown, but decided that wouldn't paint a flattering picture if word got out that I assaulted my husband for excessive personal hygiene. Why do these scenarios always make me look like a freak? Seemed perfectly reasonable at the time.

If you're marveling at how incredibly trivial, trite, and othewise trifling my comments about his grooming habits are, clearly we haven't met. Consider yourself warned, this is what I'm all about. Tune in at your own peril.

Footnote: apparently "Trebuchet" is Latin for "surreptitiously adds excess line breaks". Try it sometime - type in some common, innocuous Courier-type font, then switch it all to Trebuchet and just SEE what happens. Am I crazy? Or are the fonts conspiring against me too? Next thing you know, they'll be clipping their serifs while I'm typing just to mock me.


  1. I'm so psyched I get to be the first to point out that "mental shrapnel" is the coolest blog title ever.

    I think that ears develop extra-good hearing when it comes to detecting things they hate (which makes no sense at all). Like mine literally perk up whenever I hear my dad's spoon hitting the side of his bowl when he eats ice cream. It turns me violently misogynistic, yet there is nothing my ears are quicker to latch on to.

    "ingling" - what you're handed back when someone mistakenly takes the first sip of your Yuengling.

    iqpyk, n: a "smart" piece of plastic used to clean your teeth

  2. Yay! Thanks for being my first! And my inspiration.

    As you know, I have a million more weird quirks and peeves that I'm sure I'll explore in great depth here (how's that for something to look forward to?!), but I'm always happy to hear about other people's petty little irritations because that means that surely I'm not such a freak. Or at least I'm not the ONLY freak.

    I thought and thought about the blog title, I wanted something hella-cool and very 'me', yet non-specific since I'm sure the content is going to vary greatly. So after brainstorming, this is the title I came up with. Imagine my surprise and horror when I saw that some OTHER blogger had already claimed the url without the "-", but he moved his blog so now it's essentially a dead url. And besides, his stuff is about sports. But mine came from my own little brain, so I'm pretty happy about it.

    Funny how when we're at our busiest, we always seem to find MORE things to make us BUSIER. Hmmmm.

    oprao: One of Oprah's stumping speeches for Obama, sung in falsetto voice.
