Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I think we got an introduction to the neighbors tonight. At about 11 pm, the Other Half was sitting on the back porch watching TV. (I know, perfidy.) Well, apparently Mother Nature doesn't like Telemundo any more than I do, and all of a sudden there was a bunch of hooting going on in our back yard that sounded quite like this, only much louder, closer, and more exitable. I had to wonder for a few minutes if it wasn't possibly monkeys.
So I did a little research, and found out the culprit was most likely a Barred Owl (also called a "Hoot Owl"), which are pretty common in heavily wooded areas near water. Which is exactly where we live. I even saw one in the yard the other day, but it was pretty far away, he perched high in a tree, and it was dusk so I didn't get a great look at him, just enough to know that he was big enough that I wouldn't let Boo-Boo out of the house past 6 pm knowing he's lurking out there looking for small furry treats.

Is it sad that this is so exciting for me? O.H. is creeped out by them, but still fascinated. I won't be creeped out until I find an owl pellet, I'm sure.

We actually looked for night-vision cameras, we were so excited by this. It doesn't take much for us, really. But in our defense, even the (human) neighbors got excited too; somebody had a flashlight shining up into our trees almost immediately after the hoot-fest started. Hopefully they're bird watchers, and not just nosy.

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